A Home Away From Home: Sandor’s New Journey

Article Publish On: 
July 1, 2024

Article Written By: Sara Winkel

Sandor’s life has taken a remarkable turn since joining his Host Home Provider, Monique’s care. No longer confined to the limitations of his previous provider, he now enjoys a more enriching, fulfilling routine. Sandor's days are filled with activities that not only engage him but also bring him joy and a sense of accomplishment.

One of the most significant changes in Sandor’s life has been his return to a farm environment, reminiscent of his childhood in Germany. Growing up on a farm, Sandor developed a deep connection to nature and animals, a bond that is being rekindled in his new home. Monique’s farm offers a familiar and comforting setting, where Sandor feels at ease and truly at home

Living on the farm has provided Sandor with deep, meaningful relationships and a sense of belonging. Monique, his Host Home Provider, has made a point to integrate him into her family and community. Sandor fondly recalls the Thanksgiving when Monique met his girlfriend. “It feels good because she met my girlfriend on Thanksgiving. She got to come over, she enjoyed her company, and we spent quality time with her son,” he shares.

Monique’s support extends to the everyday tasks that are crucial for Sandor’s independence. She assists him in checking his lunch, ensuring that his food is stored properly, and helping with laundry. Monique’s guidance doesn’t stop there; she is always there to lend a helping hand when needed, ensuring that Sandor has the opportunity to reach his highest potential.

Sandor’s family has noticed significant changes in him since moving to the farm with Monique. He has learned to make his own lunches, a skill that was once out of reach. “He couldn’t spread things like mayonnaise on bread before,” his family notes. Now, Sandor not only prepares his meals but also makes healthier choices, trying a variety of meats and cheeses. He has become adept at managing his food supplies, understanding when to move items from the freezer to the fridge.

The repetition and support from Monique have helped Sandor develop better focus and reduce his anxiety. His family highlights his new ability to complete tasks one at a time, a change that has made him more relaxed and confident. His initiative in bringing in and opening a delivery package independently was a proud moment, showcasing his growing autonomy.

Sandor’s journey with his Host Home Provider has been transformative, filled with new experiences, personal growth, and a sense of community. His new life on the farm not only brings back fond memories of his childhood in Germany but also provides him with a nurturing and supportive environment. Sandor’s story is a testament to the positive impact of a familiar and engaging setting, where he can continue to learn, grow, and enjoy life to the fullest.